Alumni Council

The Alumni Council is the governing and working body of the Alfred University Alumni Association.


The Council may have up to 21 members who are appointed to serve a three-year term. The Council officers are elected and include President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Other Council members include the University Archivist as well as Ex-Officio members such as the immediate Past President and Alumni Elected Trustees. Council meets on-campus twice a year during Reunion and Homecoming weekends.

The president of the Council, with the input and approval of Council members, determines the structures, or committees, necessary to conduct the business of the Association. Each committee determines its own purpose and functions. Committees include Awards & Recognitions, Alumni & Student Programs, Finance & Development and Governance & Organizational Development.

Read our constitution and bylaws below.

Article I – Name

  1. Section 1. Name – The name of the Association shall be the Alfred University Alumni Association.

Article II – Purpose

  1. Section 1. Purpose – The purpose of the Alfred University Alumni Association is to provide the means for a continuing relationship between the University and alumni. The Association endeavors to foster a deep concern among its members for the welfare of the University, which is made manifest through a commitment to provide service to the institution, alumni and students.
  2. Members of the Association will work to preserve and enhance the history and traditions of Alfred University, contribute toward maintaining Alfred University in keeping with the aims and ideals of its charter, help attract outstanding students to the University, assist the career development of students and fellow alumni, encourage gifts of financial support to the University, provide for the recognition of outstanding alumni and friends of the University, and assist with the planning and implementation of alumni and student programs.

Article III – Membership

  1. Section 1. Members – Individuals who have completed at least two semesters at the undergraduate or graduate level at Alfred University, recipients of Honorary degrees and Honorary Alumni/ae, and all individuals who were members of the Association prior to the adoption of this constitution, shall be members.

Article IV – Meetings

  1. Section 1. Meetings – The Alumni Association shall meet at least once a year. Such meetings shall be open to all members of the Association. Where possible, this meeting shall coincide with Alumni Reunion weekend in the Summer.

Article V – Officers

  1. Section 1. Officers – The officers of the Association shall include a President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer, each of which will be elected as provided in the By-laws.
  2. Section 2. Terms of Office – The terms of office for Officers shall be three years, commencing immediately following their election. Officers may be re-elected for a second consecutive term. Officers must step down from office for one full year after being elected and serving for two full terms in succession. Officers shall be eligible to be selected as an Appointed Member by the Council immediately following their term of service.

Article VI – Alumni Council

  1. Section 1. Purpose – The Alumni Council is the governing and working body of the Alumni Association.
  2. Section 2. Membership – The Alfred University Alumni Council shall be composed of the following:
    1. Appointed Members - Up to twenty-one Appointed Members whose term of office shall be three years, commencing immediately upon their appointment.
    2. Officers – The President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer of the Association.
    3. Archivist – The individual holding the position of Archivist of Alfred University shall be a permanent member of the Alumni Council if such individual is an Alfred Alumnus/a.
    4. Ex Officio Members – The immediate past President of the Alumni Association shall be an Ex Officio member of the Council.
    5. Alumni-Elected Trustees – The Alumni/ae serving as Alumni-Elected Trustees shall be members of the Alumni Council during their tenure in such position.
  3. Section 3. Nominations –The Alumni Council will nominate candidates for appointment to Council and shall select candidates for the Alumni Elected Trustee in accordance with the Rules set forth in the By-laws of the Association. Before certification of the nominees for Council, the candidates shall have given consent to their nomination and will have been advised of their duties and responsibilities in the event they are selected.
  4. Section 4. Terms of Membership – The terms of office for appointed members shall be three years, commencing immediately upon their appointment. Members may be appointed for a second consecutive term. Members must step down for one full year after being appointed and serving for two full terms in succession. Terms of office shall be staggered such that the terms of one third of the appointed members of the Council shall expire each year.
  5. Section 5. Meetings – Meetings of the Alumni Council shall occur in the fall and summer, and shall coincide with the University’s Alumni Weekends respectively.
  6. Section 6. Duties – The Council shall manage, direct, control and administer the property, affairs, and business of the Association as provided by such By-laws as may be enacted by it; shall be responsible for all financial matters of the Association; shall elect its officers; shall nominate and appoint its members; select Alumni Elected Trustees and shall act for and on behalf of the Association in all matters within the jurisdiction of the Council.
  7. Section 7. Special Meetings – A special meeting of the Council may be held if a call for such a meeting, stating its purpose, is made by the President of the Association or is requested by one third of the members of the Alumni Council. All Council members must be notified in writing twenty days prior to any special meeting.
  8. Section 8. Quorum – Those present shall constitute a quorum, but must number at least seven Council members.
  9. Section 9. Committees – The Standing Committees of the Council shall be those outlined in the Bylaws, and chaired by those Council Officers as stipulated in the Bylaws of this Association. The President, by and with the advice and consent of the Council, shall create such committees as necessary for conducting the business of this Association.
  10. Section 10. Vacancies – Vacancies that occur during the terms of office of members of the Council shall be filled by Council's appointment of successors to serve the unexpired terms of such offices. Individuals appointed to fill vacancies must complete their predecessor's term and may then be eligible for two consecutive terms of their own.
  11. Section 11. Commitment – An active participation in the Council, at and between meetings, is required of all members. Any member who fails to attend at least one meeting in a calendar year shall be considered inactive and therefore to have vacated their position. With the guidance of the President, the Council will respect financial, family, and professional considerations in the determination of vacancies.

Article VII – Bylaws

  1. Section 1. Bylaws – At any meeting of the Council, the Council may, by a majority vote of all Alumni Council members, adopt such Bylaws as are not inconsistent with this constitution.

Article VIII – Amendments

  1. Section 1. Amendments - Amendments to the Constitution of the Association shall be made only at regular meetings of the Council by a majority vote of all Alumni Council members. Written notice of any amendments shall be sent to all Council members at least twenty days prior to the regular meeting.

Article I - Finances

  1. Section 1. Fiscal Year – The fiscal year of the Association shall begin on July 1 of each calendar year and extend through June 30 of the succeeding calendar year.
  2. Section 2. Expenditures – Alumni Association expenditures shall be paid by the Treasurer of the Association or by the Alumni Relations Office of the University at the discretion of the Alumni Relations Director, in consultation with the President of the Association and the Alumni Council.
  3. Section 3. Budget – The Alumni Council shall annually adopt a budget for the forthcoming fiscal year during its summer meeting. The Treasurer will circulate the proposed budget for the forthcoming fiscal year twenty days prior to the Council’s summer meeting for consideration.

Article II – Nomination and Selection of Members of the Alumni Council

  1. Section 1. Selection of Members – The Alumni Council shall, from time to time, select those alumni whom it shall designate as the Appointed Members of the Alumni Council. The election of new members may occur during any regularly scheduled meeting of the Alumni Council, or by electronic or mail-in ballot in the event the Governance and Organizational Development Committee deems it appropriate.
  2. Section 2. Selection Criteria – Whenever practical, the election of Appointed Members shall reflect geographical, gender, cultural and ethnic diversity as well as consideration of graduation year and undergraduate major as a student at Alfred University.
  3. Section 3. Nomination – Any Alumni Association member may submit, in writing, the nomination of a candidate for membership in the Alumni Council. Names of willing candidates, together with their biographical sketches, are to be submitted to the Secretary of the Association or the Alumni and Community Relations Director for consideration by the Governance and Organizational Development Committee at any time.
  4. Section 4. Installation – Installation of Alumni Council members shall be at the meeting following their election.
  5. Section 5. Orientation – The Association Secretary will be responsible for contacting newly elected members of the Alumni Council and arranging an appropriate time for their orientation including, but not limited to, terms and conditions of their election, expectations, and the on-going work of the Association and Alumni Council.
  6. Section 6. Election of Officers – At the summer meeting the Council shall elect from among its continuing members a President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer for the Association as their terms require. They shall be installed at the conclusion of the summer meeting.
  7. Section 7. Ex Officio Members – Ex Officio members of the Council may attend and participate in meetings of the Council. Ex Officio members may not vote on matters under consideration by the Council.

Article III – Nominations for the Alumni Elected Trustee

  1. Section 1. Nominations – The Alumni Council shall nominate and elect one member of the Alumni Association annually to serve as the Alumni Elected Trustee.
  2. Section 2. Guidelines – The Alumni Council will consider the following as their guidelines in the selection of the nominees for Alumni Elected Trustee:
    1. The Nominee should be a participating alumnus or alumna of Alfred University whose year of graduation or, for non-graduates, the year when they were to have graduated, is at least five years prior to the date on which they would take office.
    2. The Council should nominate those individuals who have exhibited a profound interest in higher education and a particular interest in Alfred University and the Alumni Association.
    3. Nominees should be individuals who can envision what Alfred University, at its very best, could be.
    4. No alumnus or alumna of Alfred University who receives a salary or other compensation from Alfred University shall be eligible for nomination or election as Alumni Elected Trustee.
  3. Section 3. Term – The Alumni Elected Trustee shall serve for a three-year term.
  4. Section 4. Vacancies – In the event of resignation or inability to serve of an Alumni Elected Trustee, the President of the Alumni Association, in consultation with the Alumni Council, shall name a suitable alumni successor for the unexpired term.

Article IV - Officers

  1. Section 1. President – The President shall have general supervision of the Association, subject to the control and direction of the Council. The President shall cause a summary of Association activities to be published in University publications, shall carry on necessary correspondence and duties incidental to the office and on behalf of the Council, and represent the Council when deemed necessary.
  2. Section 2. 1st Vice President – The 1st Vice President shall preside at all meetings in the absence of the President and shall immediately succeed to the powers and duties of the President in the event of refusal or incapacity of the President to act. If the Presidency becomes permanently vacant, he/she shall assume the title of President. If his/her service is for only a part term, it will not be considered a limitation in serving two successive terms to which he/she is elected. The 1st Vice President serves as Chair of the Awards and Recognitions Committee.
  3. Section 3. 2nd Vice President –The 2nd Vice President shall serve as the primary liaison, along with the Council President, to the University and its various affiliated offices on all matters related to alumni and student programs. The 2nd Vice President serves as Chair of the Alumni and Student Programs Committee.
  4. Section 4. Secretary – The Secretary shall keep full and complete minutes of all meetings of the Association and the Council. The Secretary shall serve as Parliamentarian at all regularly scheduled meetings of the Council and shall advise the President concerning proper parliamentary procedure. The Secretary serves as Chair of the Governance and Organizational Development Committee.
  5. Section 5. Treasurer – The Treasurer shall keep accurate books of accounts, cause a report to be provided at meetings of the Council, and perform all duties incidental to the office. The Treasurer serves as Chair of the Finance and Development Committee.
  6. Section 6. Administrative Manager – The Director of Alumni and Community Relations or equivalent position shall serve as the administrative manager of the Association. The advice and counsel of this individual shall serve to aid in furthering and implementing the activities of the Association. It is understood that this person will be a full time employee of the University.

Article V – Committees

  1. Section 1. Standing Committees – The Council shall have four Standing Committees: Awards and Recognitions, Alumni and Student Programs, Finance and Development, Governance and Organizational Development.
    1. Awards & Recognitions. The Awards and Recognitions Committee shall be chaired by the 1st Vice President. Major committee activities include Alumni Association Awards and other recognitions.
    2. Alumni & Student Programs. The Alumni and Student Programs Committee shall be chaired by the 2nd Vice President. Major committee activities include admissions, career development, alumni and student events.
    3. Finance & Development. The Finance and Development Committee shall be chaired by the Treasurer. Major committee activities include Council budget and fundraising, development and University-wide fundraising activities.
    4. Governance & Organizational Development. The Governance and Organizational Development Committee shall be chaired by the Secretary. Major committee activities to include routine governance, organizational development, member development, and general oversight of the nomination/election process for Council membership, officer positions, and alumni elected trustee positions.
  2. Section 2. Ad-hoc Committees and Task Forces – The President, by and with the advice and consent of the Council, may form ad hoc committees or task forces to consider topical issues outside the scope of the standing committees and to recommend rules or resolutions concerning such issues.
    1. The President, with the advice and consent of the Council may set and extend a date for the termination of any ad hoc committee.
    2. The President shall appoint the chair of each ad-hoc committee.
    3. The Council may invite non-Council members to participate on ad hoc committees.
    4. Ad hoc committees shall keep the Council informed of their activities.
    5. Ad hoc committees may form sub-committees as they deem advisable.
    6. Ad hoc committees shall disband upon issuing a final report or recommendations to the Council, upon expiration of the time set for termination, or upon the order of the Council.

Article VI - Awards

  1. Section 1. Types of Awards – The Council shall deliberate and present awards on behalf of the Alumni Association as follows:
    1. The Alfred University Alumni Award for Distinguished Achievement. This award is given to honor alumni whose achievements in their profession, career or avocational pursuits or service to society bring honor and distinction to Alfred University. Alumni receiving this award must demonstrate loyalty and commitment to the University. Alumni of any graduation year are eligible. Up to two awards can be made annually. No person shall receive the award more than once. The award shall not necessarily be made annually. Current AU employees, trustees and Alumni Council members are not eligible.
    2. The Alfred University Alumni Award for Distinguished Service. This award is given to alumni in recognition of loyalty and commitment in service to Alfred University. Alumni of any graduation year are eligible. One award can be made annually. No person shall receive the award more than once. The award shall not necessarily be made annually. Current AU employees, trustees and Alumni Council members are not eligible.
    3. Abigail Allen Award for Service to Women. This award is given to honor an Alfred alumnus/a in recognition of distinctive career achievement, community service, or avocational pursuits that have improved the quality of women’s lives. Alumni of any graduation year are eligible. One award can be made annually. No person shall receive the award more than once. The award shall not necessarily be made annually. Current AU employees, trustees and Alumni Council members are not eligible.
    4. Lillian T. Nevins Award for Lifetime Service to Alfred University. This award is given to honor alumni who have rendered outstanding service to Alfred University. It is reserved for those who, throughout a period of many years, have worked with interest, intelligence and success to promote the highest interests of Alfred University and
      alumni. This award is made with seriousness, honor, and esteem and expresses great recognition and gratitude on behalf of Alfred University and the Alumni Association. One award can be made annually. No person shall receive the award more than once. The
      award shall not necessarily be made annually. Current AU employees, trustees and Alumni Council members are not eligible.
  2. Section 2. Awards and Recognition Committee –The 1st Vice President shall Chair the Awards and Recognitions Committee. Additional members of the Awards and Recognitions Committee will consist of the Director of Alumni and Community Relations, and one or more Alumni Council members appointed by the President of the Council as needed. The Council will deliberate and determine awards recipients at its winter meeting, with awards presented during Reunion Weekend.
  3. Section 3. Nomination Process - On an annual basis, the Awards and Recognitions Committee is responsible for initiating and carrying out the awards process in accordance with descriptions and criteria outlined in these bylaws and included below:
    1. Call for Nominations - The call for nominations is made by late summer/early fall to Alumni Council, faculty, staff, and students via the Alfred Magazine or AU People, AU website, Alfred E-news and the Fiat Lux. Announcements in Enews and on the website run continuously through December 1st. Reminders are repeated as necessary. The Alumni Council welcomes nominations from alumni, faculty, staff and students.
    2. Nominee Eligibility - All current employees (full or part-time) of Alfred University are not eligible for awards with the exception of the Honorary Alumnus/a Recognition Award, Trustees (unless their term is ending with the exception of the Honorary Alumnus/a Recognition Award) and current members of the Alumni Council (unless their term is ending) are not eligible.
    3. Nominations - All nominations are due, in writing, either by letter, fax or email, to the Office of the Director of Alumni & Community Relations no later than December 1st. Nominees are NOT carried over from year to year. However, the Awards Committee MAY suggest the nomination of previous candidates. The Council President or Awards Committee may exercise the right to change a nominee’s award category if qualifications as presented better fit the alternative award. This can be done without consultation with the nominator. Nominations will not be accepted verbally, nor will they be accepted after the deadline unless approved by the President of the Alumni Association.
    4. Selection Process – By mid-January, the Director of Alumni and Community Relations will provide nominee information, a ballot, and a deadline for casting votes to Council members. Award winners will be voted on by council members via e-mail. Teleconferences can be utilized if needed for discussion and debate. Tie votes will be broken by a re-vote of the Awards and Recognitions Committee. Selections by the Alumni Council are deemed final. Decisions on all other Award matters will be made by the Awards and Recognitions Committee in consultation with the Alumni Council President and Director of Alumni and Community Relations.
  4. Section 4. Honorary Alumnus/a Recognition Award – The Council may, upon nomination by alumni, faculty, staff, students or friends of the University, recognize deserving individuals (non-graduates) as “Honorary Alumni” of Alfred University in recognition of interest, allegiance and exemplary contributions/service in support of the University, its various programs and alumni, that the recipient will evermore be one of us. In addition to nominations from the general University community, members of the Alumni Council, unlike other awards can choose recipients for this recognition award throughout the year. No person shall receive the award more than once. The award shall not necessarily be made annually. No more than two awards shall be given in any year. Current AU employees and trustees are eligible.
  5. Section 5. Honorary Alumni Nomination & Selection Process – The 1st Vice President and/or the Administrative Manager of the Alumni Association shall forward nominations received for Honorary Alumnus/a to the Awards and Recognitions Committee for consideration. Should the Committee deem nominees worthy and eligible for formal consideration by the Council, the 1st Vice President shall present such nominees at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Council. Council will consider nominations for Honorary Alumnus/a recognitions on a rolling basis, and will deliberate on those nominations forwarded by the Awards and Recognitions Committee at the Council’s next regularly scheduled meeting. Honorary Alumni will be recognized during Reunion Weekend.


Danielle Johnson Kutch – President
Christie Swarts – First VP
OPEN – Second VP
Sheila Flanagan – Secretary
Darryl Murray – Treasurer


Alex Moskal
Laurie Lounsberry Meehan
Susan Rozak

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